Agreements and Memorandums of Understanding
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Supporting connections, links and exchange of information with foreign markets, local and international organizations, and institutions is an important tool to support the development of financial markets within the State of Qatar.
For that purpose, the QFMA signed Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with a number of counterpart international bodies in order to fulfill compatibility and harmonization between rules and regulations governing the work of local financial markets and those in international markets.
Such agreements contribute in the development of robust frameworks for cooperation namely the exchange of training and technical assistance to establish and strengthen solid regulatory frameworks, provide more protection for investors, ensure the efficiency of securities markets and reduce risks associated with transactions conducted therein.
The QFMA has signed MoUs with international regulatory bodies, namely:
- International Capital Market Association (ICMA)
- Autorité marocaine du marché des capitaux
- “CMF” Conseil du Marche Financier of Tunisia.
- Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) France.
- Securities Commission Malaysia (SC).
- China Security Regulatory Commission (CSRC).
- Jordan Securities Commission (JSC).
- Capital Markets Board of Turkey (CBM).
- Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) Luxembourg.
- Signing of joint MoU among GCC securities regulators. (This MoU achieves the integration of GCC capital markets, as it is the basic tool that facilities the flow of funds and information among the GCC countries. It is also an implementation nucleus of the requirements of the GCC markets that enable the citizen to own and trade shares and financial instruments in all markets of the GCC countries.